BlackBerry Kewl

This is a generic Blog for the virtual internet worker. (present and/or future) My goal here is to share with you the reader trends, benefits and tools that revolve around the virtual world of work...Enjoy. Work can be something you do not somewhere you go...Be sure to Bookmark this blog (weblog) to your favourites and visit often.....Smiles :o) Gary

Monday, August 21, 2006

Fifth Generation Work - Virtual Organization

Hi Team

This blog post is a little more personal. I guess the reason is that I have been a part of a virtual team for the past month or two. There are to date about five members (both male and female) and our group objective is to learn and apply effective internet website building techniques while at the same time explore the marketing and sales side of the internet.

As a virtual team we draw on each others strengths and support each others weakneses. While all together we are learning about this very interesting and at times challanging world of Fifth Gen work. (Virtual Organization)

I will try to post to my blog interesting tidbits from time to time that we learn to deal with as a virtual team.

For example we are using Skype for our conference calls and one member of the group has been repetedly been getting dropped from the call.

So we have decided to explore other options. We shall see how the exploration process goes and I will update in a future post.

In the meantime I found this very interesting site ( which contains a bevy of information on Fifth Gen Work.

Click here to read about Fifth Generation Work Virtual Organization

Smiles :o)


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